Yara Dahab
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Yara Dahab


Mandela Washington Fellowship - Summer 2024

With over five years of legal expertise and advocacy work, Yara Dahab is passionate about human rights. She is a co-founder of the Sudanese Legal Network, an initiative created to provide crucial support to families affected by the ongoing conflicts.  Yara Dahab holds a master’s degree in law from the University of York, a bachelor’s degree with honours in law from Nottingham Trent University, an advanced human rights certification from the University of Pretoria as well as a compliance essentials certification from the University of Cape Town.  Yara currently serves as a litigation specialist within a law firm as well as an assistant to the Legislative and Plenary Department at the Pan African Parliament. She is known for her excellent negotiation skills, meticulous work in drafting reports and resolutions to enhance parliamentary procedures, and her commitment to enhancing democratic processes.  Her multifaceted experience within both legal practice and legislative environments underscores her commitment to effecting positive change.  Motivated by a desire for equitable justice, Yara aims to continue advocating for marginalized communities.  Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Yara anticipates that the Fellowship will expand her drive to promote legal empowerment and social justice within an African context.