The International Summit on Constitutionalism and Democratic Consolidation in Africa

The International Summit on Constitutionalism and Democratic Consolidation in Africa

Written By Abigail Cox
September 29, 2022

The National Democratic Institute, in collaboration with the Government of Botswana, convened an Africa-wide Summit on Constitutionalism and Democratic Consolidation in Gaborone, Botswana this past July. The Summit was developed to address a trend of democratic backsliding in Africa that has been driven, in part, by elected leaders defying constitutional norms and term limits. Presenting partners for the Summit included the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers, AfricTivistes, Afrobarometer, Katiba Institute, the Kofi Annan Foundation, Open Society Foundations – Africa, Tournons la Page, the University of Botswana, and the Presidential Precinct. The Precinct was proudly represented by Melene Rossouw, a 2019 Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumna and a founding member of the Precinct’s Global Advisory Council, who moderated a panel discussing current research on constitutional term limits.

The goal of the Summit, Melene explains, was “to renew and strengthen efforts to respect constitutional term limits as a pillar of democratic governance and peaceful political transitions across the African continent. All participants made commitments of their own, which include promoting and defending principles of constitutionalism and enhancing democratic consolidation; supporting ethical leadership; facilitating inclusive democratic processes and the renewal of political leadership; and promoting the respect and restoration of presidential term limits.”

Melene (left) during the Summit panel discussion, 7/6/22

Melene moderated a panel comprised of constitutional law scholars and leaders in the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers. The session featured an introduction by Dr. Elvis Fokala, the President of the ANCL, and included panelists Professor Charles Fombad, the Director of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa; Dr. Adem Abebe, a legal expert and advisor to the International Journal of Constitutional Law; Dr. Yvonne Oyieke, the Deputy Secretary-general of ANCL and Lecturer at the Law Faculty of Pretoria University. Panelists spoke about current research on constitutionalism and presidential term limits, challenges to maintaining term limits, and perceptions and efforts of citizens working to sustain democratic rule. They fielded questions on a variety of related topics including the role of political opposition parties, the impact of corruption, and the effects that amending a constitution has on its integrity and authority.

Melene expects the experience to impact her ongoing work, explaining that “Every new platform provides me with an opportunity to deepen my understanding about democracy and constitutionalism in Africa. South Africa does not operate in isolation from the rest of the continent and although South Africa has a stable democracy with an effective Constitution there are certain threatening trends emerging on the continent that could have a direct impact on the functioning and stability of our democracy.” Many others recognized the same international impact, with nearly 200 people attending in person and over 1,800 from 78 countries observing online.

Melene represented the Presidential Precinct as a 2019 Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumna

Melene calls on young leaders throughout Africa to stay engaged in the work of defending democracy and constitutions in their own countries. “Over recent years the democratic trend across the continent has shifted from one of democratic expansion and consolidation to one of autocratic resurgence and democratic decline. As young leaders defending their democracy and constitution we cannot and should not allow our hard-earned democratic advances to be undermined by authoritarian-minded leaders and military regimes that shrink political space, exacerbate social divisions, disrupt economic development, and challenge constitutional norms to maintain their hold on power. The time is now to mobilize every citizen in your country to defend the principles of constitutionalism, strengthen our democracies and hold those in power in accountable for their actions.” We are grateful for Melene’s leadership and inspiring call to action in defense of democratic rule across the African continent.

Read the National Democratic Institute’s review of the Summit and the Gaborone Declaration in Support of Constitutionalism and Democratic Consolidation issued by Summit participants.

Melene with 2019 Mandela Washington Fellows at James Madison’s Montpelier

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