Kaoma Kaoma
Presidential Precinct Logomark in White

Kaoma Kaoma


Mandela Washington Fellowship - Summer 2024

Kaoma Kaoma is a law graduate who serves as a country representative for the Commonwealth Student Association and is the Gender and Human Rights Secretary for Zambia National Students Union. She is the Founder of Compassion Aid, a youth lead non-governmental organization which aims at assisting marginalized groups including youths, women, children, and differently abled people. Kaoma has six years of experience in student activism and has since served on various student leadership positions, from 2019 until today she has continued to advocate for students? rights and has been a part of volunteers who promote academic freedom in institutions of higher learning in Zambia. She is passionate about leadership, gender equality and the protection and promotion of human rights, her aspirations are to impact the lives of young Zambian leaders who will take on the leadership mantle and contribute towards the development of the country. After the Mandela Washington Fellowship she endeavors to use the knowledge, skills, and network to establish a leadership academy for young African leaders, especially women.