Chichi Mlingwa
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Chichi Mlingwa


Mandela Washington Fellowship - Summer 2024

Chiedza (Chichi) Mlingwa has three years of experience in high level research and advocacy within nongovernment organizations (NGO). Currently, Chiedza is a Caretaker Research Specialist at the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, focusing on strategically leading the organization’s advocacy initiatives at national, regional, and international level as well as consolidating high impact research on organized violence and torture. Chiedza recently volunteered to be part of the organization’s procurement committee. Chiedza was also recently invited to join the organization’s senior leadership team. Chiedza holds a Masters in Constitutional Law and Human Rights Development and a bachelor’s degree in law. She is driven to enhance her leadership skills, grant writing skills, interpersonal communication skills and the use of technology in research. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Chiedza plans to successfully establish and run her own not for profit organization in her late mother’s memory called Sibongile Empowerment Trust aimed at fostering peace and healing in communities affected by past human rights atrocities.